Family members and friends of adults with a mental illness frequently navigate difficult journeys, often filled with fear, heartache, frustration, helplessness, exhaustion, and guilt…feelings that may be intermingled with immense pride and hope. Stigma can lead to suffering in silence, only magnifying the isolation and pain.
Loving Someone with a Mental Illness or History of Trauma provides actionable strategies for these families and friends who give so much but whose own needs and sacrifices are often unappreciated. This book is grounded in Michelle’s 30 years as a psychologist and both authors’ lived experiences in loving family members and friends managing mental illness. It provides research-based recommendations, practical skills, up-to-date resources, inspiration from families with lived experience, and interactive activities to facilitate personal reflection.
Grounded in science, empowering, and hopeful yet realistic, this book is an invaluable resource for family members, friends, and mental health professionals.
Click to see the table of contents and excerpts from the book about empowering your loved one, communication, strengthening your relationship, and parenting.