Family Connections (for borderline personality disorder)
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Al-Anon (for family members/friends)
Alateen (for teens who love someone with an addiction)
Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA: for people managing both substance and mental health concerns)
Celebrate Recovery (Christian based 12-step program)
Mental Health America (includes short assessments for mental health concerns)
Treatment Advocacy Center (has a helpline)
Find Treatment (SAMHSA-sponsored site to search for treatment for mental and substance abuse problems)
Psychology Today (for therapists and prescribers)
Coordinated Specialty Care Programs for Psychosis (First Episode Programs)
Our Time (United Kingdom)
Lapproche (Canada)
Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI: Australia)
988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline) and 911 (for medical emergencies)
Trevor Project (for LGBTQ youth)
While working in the VA healthcare system, Michelle collaborated with colleagues in creating resources for families managing mental illness and trauma/PTSD. The following four programs are available for free download. Support for their development was provided in part by the South Central Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC).
An 18-session family education curriculum for adults who care about someone living with a mental illness or PTSD. Named a best practice by VA Central Office.
Five age-based parenting toolkits for Iraq/ Afghanistan veterans and families, including infants, toddlers, preschoolers, elementary, and teenagers. Paper copies of toolkits were distributed nationally to all VAs in 2013.
The Oklahoma City VA Medical Center’s adaptation of the multi-family group treatment for PTSD. Website includes the curriculum and student workbook.
An interactive pamphlet to empower adults living with PTSD in exploring if, when, how, and what to share with their children about their trauma and well-being. This guide emerged from a
research project in which we learned from veteran parents about their experiences and needs.
A series of blogs by four military teens that highlights their feelings and experiences before, during, and after parental deployment
The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) distributed this book to educators and other professionals through their national training programs about supporting military children.
A unique, three-part book that honestly and gently addresses key issues in dealing with a parent who has experienced trauma.
The National Guard purchased over 75,000 copies of this book and distributed them to every unit around the country to be a resource for their families.
While at the medical school of the University of Minnesota, Michelle collaborated with Dr. Stephanie Hooker and colleagues and created the following curriculum, which is also available for free online:
A 10-module curriculum to teach physicians how to help patients with health behavior change (quitting smoking, healthy eating, increasing physical activity) and behavioral health topics (managing stress, improving sleep, coping with chronic pain).
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